The thesis holds, theoretically, the ralation of property rights in township's collective ener-prises is quite obvious, but extremely confused in reality. The township's collective economycould be developed normally, the key is that we dare to face and solve this problem squarely. Itshould be firstly easy, then difficult in two steps to solve the problem of the relation of the prop-erty rights in collective enterprises. Firstly, it should clear the property and check up the capital,and divide the work into different degrees of its inside; Secondly, it should deepen reforms in en-terprises, taking ownerships as the central task, restore the co-op economy, change 'running byofficial' into 'running by public', make enterprises become indepent commodity producers andrunners. The author also puts forward his own ideas about the importance of jointed ownership,co-op Stock system, etc., around he reforms of the relation in ownerships.
Reform of Economic System