
带缓冲单元的多输入直流变换器电路拓扑 被引量:15

Multiple-Input DC/DC Converters With Buffer Cells
摘要 在采用两个甚至多个输入源的新能源联合供电系统中,用单个多输入直流变换器(MIC)代替原有的多个单输入直流变换器,可以简化电路结构、降低系统成本。MIC可分为无缓冲单元和带缓冲单元两类。带缓冲单元的MIC是由脉冲电源单元、缓冲单元和输出滤波器构成。文中详细介绍带缓冲单元MIC电路拓扑的生成方法,首先介绍缓冲单元的概念以及具体电路结构;给出脉冲电源单元与缓冲单元的级联规则;最后,推导出一系列带缓冲单元的MIC电路拓扑。 In the renewable power system with two or more sources, the application of multiple-input converter (MIC) instead of using several single-input converters can simplify the circuit and reduce the cost of the power system. MIC can be categorized into two lists, MIC without buffer cells and MIC with buffer cells. A MIC with buffer cells is composed of pulsating source cell, buffer cell and output filter. In this paper, a new method for synthesizing MICs with buffer cells is proposed. The buffer cells are introduced in detail. For generating the MICs with buffer cells, the connecting rules between different cells are presented. As a result, a series of MICs with buffer cells are generated.
出处 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期62-68,共7页 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society
基金 新世纪优秀人才支持计划 江苏省"六大人才高峰"项目计划(07-E-022) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(50807024)资助项目
关键词 多输入 直流变换器 新能源供电系统 Multiple-input, DC/DC converter, renewable power system
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