
气候政策核心要素的演化及多目标的协同 被引量:4

Evolution of Key Factors in Climate Policies and Synergies of Multi-Objectives
摘要 分析了气候政策中减缓和适应的差异性和协同性,回顾了气候政策的核心要素(减缓和适应)的演化及其与可持续发展政策的密切关系,指出目前气候政策中多要素协同的重要性。强调应该特别关注气候政策的实施性,应将其纳入国家和部门的规划和政策中。最后提出了气候政策中多目标协同需关注的三方面问题:如何确定气候政策的各目标;为保证多目标协同的实施,如何提升相应的能力;现有的资金管理机制如何更好地与部门投资结合。 Differences and synergies between the mitigation and adaptation of climate change in climate policies are analyzed in this paper; the evolution of the two key factors, i.e. mitigation and adaptation, of climate policies and their close relationships with sustainable development are reviewed; and the importance of the synergies of multifactors is pointed out. The analysis emphasizes that more attention should be paid to the implementation of climate policy, that is to say, it should be brought into national and sectoral development policies. In the end, it is pointed out that to ensure the synergies of multi-objectives in climate policies, three issues need to be well addressed: how to determine various objectives of climate policies, how to develop the corresponding capacity necessary for ensuring the synergic implement of multi-objectives and how to combine the existing management mechanism and sectoral investment together.
作者 巢清尘
出处 《气候变化研究进展》 CSCD 2009年第3期151-155,共5页 Climate Change Research
关键词 气候政策 核心要素 政策演化 协同 climate policy key factors policy development synergy
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