
Single-Doppler Radar Analysis of a Mesocyclone in the Taiwan Strait 被引量:1

Single-Doppler Radar Analysis of a Mesocyclone in the Taiwan Strait
摘要 In this study, the kinematic and precipitation structures of a mesocyclone associated with a hook echo were analyzed using single Doppler radar data. The mesocyclone was embedded in a mesoscale convective rainband near northern Taiwan coastline on 10 September 2004. The synoptic environment was characterized by a moderate convective available potential energy (CAPE) and a moderate ambient vertical shear from surface to 5 km. In addition, a pronounced low-level mesoscale shear/convergence zone, which resulted from the interaction of two tropical depressions, was also identified in the northwest coast of Taiwan, providing a favorable dynamic condition for the development of the mesocyclone. Analyzing single Doppler dipole signature shows that this mesocyclone formed initially at low levels, then deepened and strengthened rapidly into mature stage with the vertical depth exceeding 8 km. The diameter of the mesocyclone decreased with the height at the time of vortexgenesis, and then evolved into columnar structure accompanied with the broader diameter in middle layer. The mesocyclone lasted for about 2 h. The Ground-Based Velocity Track Display (GBVTD) method was applied to retrieve the ax- isymmetric circulation of the mesocyclone. The GBVTD-derived primary circulation showed the radius of maximum wind (RMW) of the mesocyclone was about 5-6 km and varied from inward tilting to outward tilting with time. The axisymmetric radial wind field was initially characterized by a low-level inflow inside the RMW and outflow outside the RMW, respectively. The strongest reflectivity was associated with a stronger updraft near the RMW, and a weak downdraft was located at the center of the mesocyclone. Subsequently the downdraft and reflectivity near the mesocyclone center strengthened obviously, accompanied with the low-level outflow, strong updraft as well as high reflectivity extending outside the RMW. The relative tangential wind initially exhibited a wavenumber 1 asymmetric structure with the maximum wind region at the left portion of the meso cyclone and shifted counterclockwise with height. The axisymmetric tangential wind strengthened and reached its maximum intensity with a value about 20 m s^-1 at z=1 km. After that the axisymmetric tangential wind decreased rapidly, meanwhile the wave-1 asymmetric structure redeveloped with the maximum wind at the left-front of motion. In summary, the evolution and structure of the mesocyclone is similar to that observed within a non-supercell mesocyclone. It is worth to mention that the axisymmetric circulation characteristics of the mesocyclone at its mature stage are very similar to those observed in a mature typhoon. However, there are significant differences, i.e., the size is much smaller, the lifetime is much shorter, and the downdraft in the center is produced by precipitation instead of compensating subsidence. In this study, the kinematic and precipitation structures of a mesocyclone associated with a hook echo were analyzed using single Doppler radar data. The mesocyclone was embedded in a mesoscale convective rainband near northern Taiwan coastline on 10 September 2004. The synoptic environment was characterized by a moderate convective available potential energy (CAPE) and a moderate ambient vertical shear from surface to 5 km. In addition, a pronounced low-level mesoscale shear/convergence zone, which resulted from the interaction of two tropical depressions, was also identified in the northwest coast of Taiwan, providing a favorable dynamic condition for the development of the mesocyclone. Analyzing single Doppler dipole signature shows that this mesocyclone formed initially at low levels, then deepened and strengthened rapidly into mature stage with the vertical depth exceeding 8 km. The diameter of the mesocyclone decreased with the height at the time of vortexgenesis, and then evolved into columnar structure accompanied with the broader diameter in middle layer. The mesocyclone lasted for about 2 h. The Ground-Based Velocity Track Display (GBVTD) method was applied to retrieve the ax- isymmetric circulation of the mesocyclone. The GBVTD-derived primary circulation showed the radius of maximum wind (RMW) of the mesocyclone was about 5-6 km and varied from inward tilting to outward tilting with time. The axisymmetric radial wind field was initially characterized by a low-level inflow inside the RMW and outflow outside the RMW, respectively. The strongest reflectivity was associated with a stronger updraft near the RMW, and a weak downdraft was located at the center of the mesocyclone. Subsequently the downdraft and reflectivity near the mesocyclone center strengthened obviously, accompanied with the low-level outflow, strong updraft as well as high reflectivity extending outside the RMW. The relative tangential wind initially exhibited a wavenumber 1 asymmetric structure with the maximum wind region at the left portion of the meso cyclone and shifted counterclockwise with height. The axisymmetric tangential wind strengthened and reached its maximum intensity with a value about 20 m s^-1 at z=1 km. After that the axisymmetric tangential wind decreased rapidly, meanwhile the wave-1 asymmetric structure redeveloped with the maximum wind at the left-front of motion. In summary, the evolution and structure of the mesocyclone is similar to that observed within a non-supercell mesocyclone. It is worth to mention that the axisymmetric circulation characteristics of the mesocyclone at its mature stage are very similar to those observed in a mature typhoon. However, there are significant differences, i.e., the size is much smaller, the lifetime is much shorter, and the downdraft in the center is produced by precipitation instead of compensating subsidence.
出处 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 2009年第2期140-155,共16页
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.40505004,40405012,and 40333025 the National Grand Fundamental Research 973 Program of China(973:2004CB418301) the GYHY(QX) 200706033 and the NMCTIGGE Program GYHY(QX) 2007-232 6-1.
关键词 Doppler radar hook echo MESOCYCLONE GBVTD Doppler radar, hook echo, mesocyclone, GBVTD
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