

Ming-yi Hovenia wall Flower——PEP "language" Refers to the Ninth Grade on the List of Flaws
摘要 教科书是向学生传播知识的重要工具之一,应该是传达最真实、最准确知识的载体,具有极强的经典性。目前,我国通用的中小学教材中还存在着许多错误,如人教版《语文》九年级上册就存在课文文字误引、地名注释不合于当代行政区划等问题。教材质量的高低,直接关系到教学质量的高低和人才培养的成败。因此,必须注重教材编写队伍的建设和教材编写的质量审定。 The textbook is one of the important tools to transmit the knowledge to the students , it should be to convey the most real and most accurate knowledge of the cartier, with a strong classic. At present, the materials commonly used in primary and secondary schools still have many errors, such as PEP, "Chinese" on the ninth grade text book on the misuse of the existence of texts cited, place names are not in the contemporary issues such as administrative divisions. The quality of teaching is directly related to the quality of teaching and training of personnel for the success or failure, therefore, must focus on team-building materials and the quality of examination materials.
作者 宋开玉
出处 《教育理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第7期60-61,共2页 Theory and Practice of Education
关键词 人民教育出版社 教材 商山早行 People's Education Press teaching materials to Hill as early as line
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  • 2清·曾益.温飞卿诗集笺[M].上海:上海古籍出版社,1980.155.
  • 3晏子春秋[M].上海:上海古籍出版社,1989.
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  • 5通薇.枳花[EB/OL].http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/495c17a20100062i.html,2006-12-15.
  • 6商山早行[EB/OL].http://www.pep.com.cn/200406/ca465684.htm,2007-01-08.
  • 7邢轸.教材编写应建立相应的审定部门[N].光明日报,2008-04-02.


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