? We discuss the multivariate “errors in variables” model in this paper. The independent variables a 1t ,a 2t ,…,a pt , satisfy a linear regression model, i.e. ∑α ia it =μ. Some of these independent variables, such as a it (i=r+1,…,p), can be observed without errors in them, while the observations of other variables can be obtained with errors, i.e. χ it =a it +ε it (i=1,2…,r t=1,2,…,n) are the observations of a it (i=1,2,…,r t=1,2,…,n), and χ it =a it for i=r+1,…,p and t=1,2,…n. Under the conditions that ε t=(ε 1t ,ε 2t ,…,ε rt ) τ t=1,2,…,n are i.i.d. and E(ε i)=0, E(ε i·ε τ t)=σ 2·I, it is given the follow convergence rate of estimates of parameters: ξ,ζ,μ and σ 2: ||| -1 -|| -1 ζ|=0[(n -1 log log n) 1/2 ] a.s. |-ζ|=0[(n -1 log log n) 1/2 ] a.s. |-μ|=0[(n -1 log log n) 1/2 ] a.s. | 2-σ 2|=0[(n -1 log log n) 1/2 ] a.s. where ξ=(α 1,α 2,…,α r) τ, ζ=(α r+1 ,α r+2 ,…,α p) τ
Pure and Applied Mathematics