Background and Objective Lung cancer, which has been proved to have fastest increasing rate of morbidity and mortality, appears to be one of the most dangerous malignant tumor that
Background and Objective Lung cancer, which has been proved to have fastest increasing rate of morbidity and mortality, appears to be one of the most dangerous malignant tumor that is threatening human being's health and lives. For recent 20 years, although researchers have dedicated themselves to the basic studies and clinical therapies on lung cancer, and managed to have many inspiring progresses, the total cure rate on lung cancer still tragically remains at about 15%. Therefore, searching for new anti-lung-cancer drugs, especially the one with high anti-cancer efficiency and low toxicity attracts increasingly more researchers. Selenium, as an essential element, plays an important role in physiological function as well as cancer prevention and therapy. Methylseleninic acid (MSA) is a kind of artificially developed selenium compound, which appears to be the best candidate for cancer prevention and/or therapy,
Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer
supported by a grant from the key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (to QinghuaZHOU)(No. 30430300)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (to Qinghua ZHOU)(No. 30670922)
INTERNATION Scienc and Techniquie COOPRATION PROGRAM OF CHINA (ISCP) (to Qinghua ZHOU)(No.2006DFB32330)
Methylseleninic acid
Human high-metastatic largecell lung cancer line L9981
Growth inhibition
Invasion and metastasis