
非传统安全的区域治理与上海合作组织 被引量:2

On Regional Governance of Non-traditional Security and Shanghai Cooperation Organization
摘要 冷战后非传统安全问题的兴起,促使区域层次开始凸现为国家间安全合作的主要平台,安全地区化态势使地区合作成为一种新的安全、发展和战略思维。上海合作组织其实是适应安全地区化态势的一种新型区域安全共同体。作为新世纪在欧亚地区出现的新型区域合作组织,它在新安全观指导下,巩固和发展了结伴而不结盟、大国小国平等协作的新型国家关系,并逐步发展为一个以多边合作应对非传统安全挑战、谋求地区共同安全的新型区域治理机制,成为包括中国在内的有关国家在中亚地区共同推进"和谐地区"建设不可或缺的战略依托。 The emergence of non-traditional security problems after the cold war,makes that the region is becoming a main platform of security cooperation among different nations. Regional cooperation becomes a new thought of security,development and strategy. Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a new regional security community. As a new regional cooperation organization in the 21th century,the SCO develops equal cooperation relations among different nations and gradually becomes a new regional governance mechanism with multilateral cooperation and common security aim. It has become an indispensable strategic support for those related nations including China to together build 'a harmony region' in the central-Asian areas.
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第7期19-28,共10页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"上海合作组织进一步发展面临的重大课题研究"(07BGJ004)的阶段性成果
关键词 非传统安全 上海合作组织 区域治理 和谐地区 Non-traditional security SCO Regional governance Harmony region
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