系统介绍了基于PWM(Pulse Width Modulation)调制的D类音频功率放大器的原理及特点.针对传统比较器迟滞固定的不足,通过引入两路电流反馈,设计了一种新颖的动态迟滞PWM比较器.同等分辨率下,其抗噪声能力远好于传统的比较器.电路设计基于TSMC0.6μm BCD工艺.Spectre仿真结果表明,在载波以及输出的不同状态下,比较器的迟滞在20mV与80mV之间切换,其增益高达79dB,单位增益带宽大于10MHz.
A systematic introduction to principles and advantages of the class D audio amplifier based on pulse width modulation (PWM) are presented. Against to the disadvantages of the traditional fixed hysteresis comparator, a novel dynamic hysteresis PWM comparator is proposed, which is introduced two paths of current feedback. Compared with the traditional comparator, the proposed circuit has a better anti-noise character at the same resolution ratio. The circuit is designed with TSMC 0.6um BCD process. Cadence Spectre-based simulations show that the hysteresis changed between 20mV and 80mV according to different states of the carrier and output, while its gain is up to 79dB and unity gain bandwidth is greater than 101MHz.
Microelectronics & Computer