

Waveform Design and Spectrum Shaping Techniques for Cognitive Ultra Wideband Radio
摘要 认知超宽带无线电(CUWBR)系统实现的关键问题是当CUWBR感知到频谱空洞时,怎样设计合适的发送波形和频谱整形使其对合法用户造成的干扰最小。针对这一问题,文中简要介绍了CUWBR系统中基于检测与躲避的抗干扰原理,综述了CUWBR抗干扰发送波形设计和频谱整形技术的研究状况和最新进展,并对未来的发展动态进行了分析。解决这一问题能够提高现有频谱的利用率,缓和频谱供需矛盾,对UWB的实用化和CR的实现有积极的推动意义。 One of the key problems in cognitive ultra wideband radio (CUWBR) is to design the transmitted waveform and shape the spectrum when CUWBR senses the spectral holes, thus to minimize the interference on the legal users. In this paper, the principle of detection and avoidance based interference suppression technique is described briefly, the research situation of work for CUWBR transmitted waveform design and spectrum shaping is reviewed, and the development trend is analyzed. Solving this problem helps improve the efficiency of spectrum utilization and mitigates the contradictions between the increased demand for spectrum and even worse spectrum congestion. It also helps promote implementations of UWB and CR.
出处 《通信技术》 2009年第7期48-49,共2页 Communications Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60671061)
关键词 认知超宽带无线电 检测与躲避 波形设计 频谱整形 cognitive ultra wideband radio detection and avoidance waveform design spectrum shaping
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