Objective To develop a sensitive method to detect minimal residual disease and to elucidate the significance of bcl 2 gene rearrangement in diagnosis and therapy of malignant lymphoma. Methods Using polymerase chain reaction(PCR) to detect bcl 2 gene rearrangement and using serial dilution method to define the sensitivity of PCR. Results In 9 different malignant lymphoma cell lines, Su DHL 4 and Su DHL 6 were shown bcl 2(MBR)/JH rearrangement, the sensitivity of PCR was 1∶10 5. In 16 patients with follicular lymphoma, the peripheral blood and bone marrow were PCR positive in 4 both at initial diagnosis and after complete remission. Conclusion Detection of bcl 2 gene rearrangement by PCR provides a sensitive and specific assay of minimal residual disease. It helps improve staging of disease, stratification and evaluation of treatment.
Chinese Journal of Oncology