
组织蛋白酶D和嗜铬颗粒素A在人原发性肝细胞癌的表达意义 被引量:4

Significance of cathepsin D and chromogranin A expression in human primary hepatocellular carcinomas
摘要 目的探讨组织蛋白酶D和嗜铬颗粒素A在人原发性肝细胞癌(HCC)的表达及其意义.方法免疫荧光双标记染色技术结合激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察HCC85例.结果组织蛋白酶D在正常肝细胞有弱表达,但在HCC组织,组织蛋白酶D的表达显著增强,而且癌细胞荧光染色强度存在区域性差别,通常临床恶性程度越高、肿瘤分化越差,荧光染色较强的癌细胞越多.HCC的组织学分级越高,组织蛋白酶D的表达越多.85例HCC中有71例癌细胞呈组织蛋白酶D强阳性,阳性率835%.在组织学分级为3~4级的28例中,组织蛋白酶D阳性的占26例(阳性率929%);组织学分级为2级的53例中,有46例阳性(阳性率868%);而组织学分级为1级的4例中,仅有1例阳性(阳性率250%).组织蛋白酶D阳性细胞的分布,在组织学分级不同的HCC中有明显差别(P<001).我们还发现组织蛋白酶D的表达与患者年龄无明显关系.有组织蛋白酶D表达的患者平均年龄为512岁±28岁(32岁~68岁),无组织蛋白酶D表达的患者平均年龄为512岁±45岁(28岁~71岁)(P>005).组织学分级为1级的HCCCgA阳性率为750%(3/4),2级的阳性率71? AIM To investigate the expression and clinical significance of cathepsin D and chromogranin A in human primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS Double immunofluorescence staining techniques combined with laser confocal scanning microscopy were used to study cathepsin D and chromogranin A expression in 85 HCC patients. RESULTS Cathepsin D was expressed in normal hepatocytes, while in HCC the staining showed regional variation and the fraction of strongly stained cells increased as the tumors became less differentiated and usually clinically more malignant. Cells which showed strong positivity for cathepsin D were present in 71/85(83 5%) cases. Strong expression of cathepsin D in cancer cells was related to histopathological features. They were more common in grade 3-4 (26/28, 92 9%) and grade 2 (46/53, 86 8%) tumors than in grade l tumors (1/4, 25 0%) ( P <0 01). There was no significant correlation between the age and cathepsin D expression. In cases with positive cathepsin D reaction the mean age was 52 1 ± 2 8 years (range 32 -68 years) and in the group with negative reaction, the mean age was 51 2 years ±4 5 years (range 28 years-71 years). No obvious relationship was observed between expression of CgA in cancer cells and the histopathological features. The CgA positive rate was 75 0%(3/4) in grade 1, 71 7%(38/53) in grade 2 tumors, and 71 4%(20/28) in grade 3-4 ( P >0 05). The coexpression of CgA and cathepsin D was found by double labeled immunofluorescence staining techniques. The results suggested that the processing of cathepsin D was disturbed in HCC cells and accumulated in the cells. Cathepsin D had proteolytic activity and autocrine mitogenic effect, both of which suggest some function in invasion. These findings demonstrated the expression of cathepsin D in HCC has some prognostic value. CONCLUSION Chromogranin A and cathepsin D are expressed in a high proportion of HCC and the existence of cathepsin D in HCC might be related to processing of CgA. This is clearly a subject worthing further studies because of its potential in clinical applications.
出处 《华人消化杂志》 1998年第6期474-478,共5页
关键词 肝细胞癌 病理 组织蛋白酶D 嗜铬颗粒素A carcinoma, hepatocellular/pathology cathepsin D/metabolism chromogranins/metabolism microscopy, confocal
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