Objective: To study the effects of EOZM on contraction of uterine srnoothmuscle treated by estrogen of Mus musculus albusand its possible mechanism. Methods: To observe the effects of EoZM and Ver on contraction induced by OXT and CaCl2and on intracellUlar and extracellUlar calCium dependent contraction induccd by OXT respectvely.Results: Both EOZM and Vex COUld inhibit the contraction induced by OXT and CaCl2 and intracellular calcium dependent contraction induced by OXT and the effects are does dependent. EOZM also inhibied extracellular Calcium dependent contraction induced by OXT but Vex not. Conclusions, EOZM inhibits the contraction of uterus mainly by blocking ROC and VDC and consequently decreasing influx Of extracellular calCium and decreasing release of intracellular Calcivm.
Inner Mongolia Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine