Data Vortex是一种新型的自路由多跳光分组交换网络。为了便于工程实现,采用圆柱形多级互连拓扑、同步时钟和偏射路由机制,避免了光缓存的使用,简化了路由逻辑。和传统的互连网络相比较,Data Vortex网络具有较高的可接受流量,但其延迟性能优势并不明显。本文采用理论分析和模拟实验的方法研究了Data Vortex角度参数对整个网络性能的影响,并对Data Vortex网络的拓扑参数进行了优化。同时,通过改进最内层交换节点的结构,使得Data Vortex网络具有更低的平均延迟。利用OMNeT++模拟了改进后的32×32Data Vortex网络在均匀负载下的性能,报文平均延迟降低了8.9%~16.5%。
Data Vortex is a novel optical network for self-routing multi-hop packet switches. To facilitate implementation, the data vortex architecture employs a cylindrical hierarchical topology, synchronous timing, and deflection routing to reduce the necessary routing logic operations and buffering. Compared with the traditional interconnection networks, the data vortex perforrnes with higher acceptance traffic but no visible predominance on the average latency. In this paper, the impact of the number of angles on the overall network performance is analyzed and a detailed simulation-based study that various parameters affect a data vortex interconnection network's performance is reported. Simultaneously, the innermost cylinder switch fabric is improved and the improved data vortex network exhibits lower average latency. The performance of an improved 32 × 32 data vortex network is simulated by OMNeT+ + and a latency reduction of 8. 9- 16.5 % is obtained under a uniform traffic load.
Computer Engineering & Science