
华北土石山区流域森林植被与地形因素耦合关系研究 被引量:6

The Coupling Relationship between Forest Vegetation and Terrain of Watershed in Earth-rocky Mountainous Area in North China
摘要 以北京密云县境内的红门川流域为研究对象,利用该地区的数字高程模型数据,经ArcV iew G IS软件处理生成数字地形模型,并将之与1994年和1997年的流域森林植被类型分布图进行叠合分析,以研究该流域森林植被分布的变化特征与地形因素之间的关系。结果表明:1997年比1994年林地总面积有所增长,林地分布受人为影响较小;阔叶林主要分布在低海拔、坡度较小、光热条件好的阳坡和半阳坡;针叶林、针阔混交林和灌木林在海拔和坡向上的分异不明显;针叶林和混交林对坡度的适应范围较广,坡度40°以上分布的多为这2种林分。 Taking Hongmenchuan watershed of Miyun County in Beijing as research object, the digital elevation models of watershed are processed with the ArcView GIS software in order to generate digital slope models and digital aspect models, and then overlap them with the scattergram of vegetation in 1994 and 1997 of the watershed in the ArcView GIS software, so as to analyze the relationship between distribution of forest vegetation and terrain. The results indicate that the area of the woodland in 1997 is larger than that in 1994, the distribution of woodland was not interfered by human's behaviors. The broad -leaved forests distribute mainly in the areas which are at low altitude, gentle slope and with good light and heat conditions. The changes of coniferous forests, mingled forest and shrubbery are not very clearly caused by elevation and slope direction. The coniferous forests and mingled forest can fit in wide range of slope, and there are almost only these two kinds of forest stands when the slope is more than 40 degrees.
出处 《内蒙古林业科技》 2009年第2期1-5,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Forestry Science and Technology
基金 国家"十一五"科技支撑项目(2006BAD03A0201)资助
关键词 华北土石山区 地形 森林植被 ARCVIEW earth -rocky mountainous area in North China terrain forest vegetation ArcView
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