
脱细胞松质骨复合骨形态发生蛋白2异位成骨的实验研究 被引量:2

Experimental study on ectopic osteogenesis of acellular cancellous bone combined with BMP-2
摘要 目的制备脱细胞松质骨作为骨形态发生蛋白2(BMP-2)载体,观察其异位成骨状况。方法取猪椎体松质骨,做脱细胞、脱脂处理。以兔为实验动物,将BMP-2与脱细胞松质骨复合,植入皮下组织,复合兔自体新鲜红骨髓及单纯脱细胞骨植入作为对照。另将脱细胞松质骨小柱复合BMP-2植入兔听泡内,以不含BMP-2脱细胞松质骨作为对照。术后3个月取标本行病理学检查。结果术后兔健康状况良好,术后3个月材料形状无明显变化,周围组织有少量血管增生,无明显免疫排斥现象,实验组病理学检查发现有新骨形成,对照组中复合自体红骨髓材料中有少量新生骨,单纯材料组仅有纤维结缔组织充填。植入听泡的复合BMP-2脱细胞松质骨与听泡骨壁接触部位结合紧密,表面被再生黏膜覆盖,病理学检查发现有新骨形成,而对照耳仅有黏膜覆盖,无新骨形成。结论脱细胞松质骨复合/BMP-2具有诱导成骨能力,并可在听泡空腔特殊部位诱导成骨,是一种很好的异位诱导成骨方法。 Objective To prepare acellular cancellous bone as carrier for bone morphogenetie protein 2(BMP-2), and observe the ectopic osteogenesis. Methods The cancellous bones of pig vertebral body were prepared with acellular and defatted procedure. The prepared bone chips were implanted subdermally in rabbits combined with BMP-2; and combined with autogenous fresh red bone marrow and simple acellular cancellous bone chips were implanted as control. The column shape acellular cancellous bones combined with BMP-2 were made and implanted into an acoustic bulla of rabbits, the same material without BMP-2 were used as control in another bulla. After 3 months, the specimens were examined pathologically. Results The rabbits recovered soon after surgery, and the implanted acellular cancellous bone maintained the shape after implantion in 3 months. There were some angiogenesis around the material, no obvious immune rejection occured. In the experimental groups, osteogenesis was observed. In control group, the materials combined with bone marrow had osteogenesis, and no osteogenesis occurred in simple acellular cancellous bone. In the acoustic bulla, the implantation acellular cancellous bones were bonded tightly with the wall of the acoustic bulla. The surface of all materials were covered with mucosa, and in the pores of the material with BMP-2, osteogenesis was found. Conclusion The acellular cancellous bones combined with BMP-2 could be used to induce ectopic osteogenesis. The induced ability also could have occured in the cavity like acoustic bulla. It is a good approach for ectopic osteoinduction.
出处 《生物医学工程与临床》 CAS 2009年第4期275-278,共4页 Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Medicine
基金 首都医学发展科研基金项目(2002-3075) 中国博士后科学基金项目(20080440224)
关键词 组织工程 骨髓基质细胞 骨形态发生蛋白2 tissue engineering bone marrow stromal cells bone morphogenetic protein 2
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