Objective To prepare acellular cancellous bone as carrier for bone morphogenetie protein 2(BMP-2), and observe the ectopic osteogenesis. Methods The cancellous bones of pig vertebral body were prepared with acellular and defatted procedure. The prepared bone chips were implanted subdermally in rabbits combined with BMP-2; and combined with autogenous fresh red bone marrow and simple acellular cancellous bone chips were implanted as control. The column shape acellular cancellous bones combined with BMP-2 were made and implanted into an acoustic bulla of rabbits, the same material without BMP-2 were used as control in another bulla. After 3 months, the specimens were examined pathologically. Results The rabbits recovered soon after surgery, and the implanted acellular cancellous bone maintained the shape after implantion in 3 months. There were some angiogenesis around the material, no obvious immune rejection occured. In the experimental groups, osteogenesis was observed. In control group, the materials combined with bone marrow had osteogenesis, and no osteogenesis occurred in simple acellular cancellous bone. In the acoustic bulla, the implantation acellular cancellous bones were bonded tightly with the wall of the acoustic bulla. The surface of all materials were covered with mucosa, and in the pores of the material with BMP-2, osteogenesis was found. Conclusion The acellular cancellous bones combined with BMP-2 could be used to induce ectopic osteogenesis. The induced ability also could have occured in the cavity like acoustic bulla. It is a good approach for ectopic osteoinduction.
Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Medicine
tissue engineering
bone marrow stromal cells
bone morphogenetic protein 2