

"Historical" and "Aesthetic":On the Legalized Naming "Red Classics"
摘要 "红色经典"中的红色更多地与特定历史语境关系深密,而经典一词则须观照文本美学的各项指标,经典决定了红色的特定质素,而红色也因其特殊称谓及其负载的意识形态信息宰制着经典的生产空间。只有在"历史的"和"美学的"双重理论视角下考察"红色经典"的命名,才能在学理层面上廓清"红色经典"的经典性品质及其经典化线路。 On "Red Classics", the "Red" has more to do with specific historical contexts while the "Classics" must be justified on the grounds of various aesthetic indexes of the text. On one hand, Classics determines the especial quality of Red; on the other hand, owing to its peculiar title and the ideology it conveys, Red controls the production space of Classics. Therefore, only under the hi-theoretical perspective of "Historical" and "Aesthetic" can be named"Red Classics", in the academic level, be expurgated between its classic characteristics as well as its classic circuit.
作者 石了英
机构地区 暨南大学中文系
出处 《太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期45-47,共3页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 红色经典 历史语境 经典化 Red Classics historical contexts classic
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