Objective To examine the inflammatory cytokines in the retina during the development of experimental PVR and to explore their mediation in the wound healing. Method The rabbit eyes after injecting of macrophages were stained with monoclone antibodies of TNF- α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL - 8 by indirect immunofluorecein and evaluated semi - quantitively. ResultWeak positive staining(±) was showed in RPE cell at first week of the PVR model,stronger(+ ) at second week. There were bright fluorecein green staining(++ )in RPE layer and outer prat of rod and cone layer at third week,diffused and bright positive straining (+++) in the RPE and photoreceptor layer at foutth week. ConclusionThe 4 inf1ammatory cytokines concentrations follow the natural coures of PVR, indicating they may play an irnportant role in mediatlng local wound healing procedure.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology