RAPD molecular-marker technique was used to detect the genetic diversity among 18 ryegrass germplasms. Their genomic DNA were tested with RAPD using 26 10-met primers screened from 110 arbitrary 10-mer primers. A total of 197 RAPD bands were obtained, in which 187 were polymorphic. The average percentage of polymorphic bands was 94.9%. The variation range of genetic distances was from 0 to 0. 846 7. By a UPGMA cluster analysis on the RAPD molecular-markers, these ryegrass varieties were divided into three groups: (1) Yatsyn, Tetragold, Pandora, Abundant, Angus, Italian Ryegrass, Barwoltra, Normal Annual Ryegrass, Green Spirit, Normal Diploid and Triticale; (2) Peak, Cailente, Pinnacle, Primer and Bright Star; and (3) Dong Mu 70.
Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences