

The Treatment of Malignant Obstruction Jaundice by Cancer of Head of Pancreas
摘要 目的探讨热放疗联合治疗胰头癌引起的黄疸的临床疗效。方法常规放疗+热疗治疗45例胰头癌引起的黄疸。结果45例患者中27例黄疸完全消失,12例患者黄疸明显减轻,6例患者无效。结论热放疗联合治疗胰头癌引起的黄疸效果好,患者痛苦小,为患者节约治疗费用,患者和家属易接受,临床上可行。 Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of conformed radiotherapy combined with concurent hyperthermia on advanced malignant obstruction jaundice. Methods Conformed radiotherapy with 2CY/fraction,5fraction/week.a total 45GY-50GY,and at the same time , hyperthermia was pertormed, twice a week for 6-8 fraction,45-60minutes/fraction. Results The serum bilirumbim level was remarkably declined to nomalin 15 case after treating,7 case symptoms were reasonably alleviated,3 case were not effective. Conclusion The conformal radiotherapy combined with concurrent hyperthermia is better treatment for malignant biliary obstruction by cancei of head of pancreas,it is practice in clinic and patients accept easily.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2009年第19期67-68,共2页 China Modern Doctor
关键词 胰头癌 黄疸 放射治疗 热疗 Cancer of head of pancreas Malignant obstruction jaundice Radiotherapy Hyperthermia
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