
改革开放30年中国留学生派出政策回顾 被引量:4

Review on China's Policies for Chinese Students Going Abroad over Last Three Decades
摘要 中国留学生的派出政策,是反映中国改革开放进程的一个重要方面,显示出中国教育国际交流开放的程度和规模。派出政策分为公派和自费两个层面。改革开放30年来,我国公派留学工作大致经历了五个发展阶段,其政策变化主要表现为派出规模、结构和选派程序等方面的调整:1978-1981年为恢复阶段,1981-1986年为进一步开放的阶段,1986-1992年为调整和规范阶段,1992-2001年为向社会化、法制化方向发展的阶段,2001年至今则是根据"入世"后的需要,侧重培养专项性和高层次留学人才的阶段。公派留学至今仍属于"计划"体制,但在具体操作上日益体现出"公开、公平和公正"。自费留学政策历经1981-1986年、1986-1992年和1992-2008年三个阶段的变革,其走向主要表现为在人才流动"准出"方面由严格控制走向宽松自由,并且使自费留学活动成为市场经济的一部分。在这一历程中,不仅自费留学由最初的受到限制、需要"特殊照顾",发展成为了每个公民权利的一部分,而且公费留学也成为人人享有的平等权利,受到法律的保障和制约;国家对留学工作的调控不仅走出了在一定程度上盲目、无序的误区,走上了健康、正常的发展道路,而且一般老百姓也由对出国留学的狂热和盲从,恢复到了平静和理智的心态。 This paper argues China's policy for the students going abroad has reflected the developing of China's reform. The policy of studying abroad shows the opening degree and scale of Chinese international education. The policy for Chinese students going abroad has two parts : one refers to Chinese government - sponsored, the other refers to the self - sponsored. Studying abroad with government - sponsored has experienced five phases, total sum, students structure and applicant procedure were changed at different phases : the first can be named the renewing phase from 1978 to 1981, the second is from 1981 to 1986 when the policy of studying abroad went on opening, the third one had to adjust and regularize the policy from 1986 to 1992, the fourth is from 1992 to 2001 when policy tended to socialization and codification, in the fifth phase, from 2001 to today, China has been training especial and high - level professional by sending students abroad according to the demand for China to join WTO. The policy of studying abroad with government - sponsored is being made more and more "open, fair and justice" although it still belongs to " plan system". The policy of studying abroad with self - sponsored can be seen the control to personnel mobility is being more and more relaxation and freedom, meanwhile the activity of studying abroad with self- sponsored has been becoming one of " market economy". In this process, studying abroad with self- sponsored has changed from being initially restricted and privileged to being one of civil rights which everybody can enjoy. And studying abroad with government - sponsored has become the everybody's equal right too, which is protected and constrained by law. As a result, the Chinese government has got away of the state of blind and disorder to some extent in its regulating work of studying abroad and has stepped onto a normal and good development path. On the other hand, the common people also stop their fanatical desire to study abroad and return to a calm attitude.
作者 程希
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第4期1-8,共8页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 改革开放30年 中国 留学生 政策 reform over last three decades China overseas Chinese students policy
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