
全球化与国际分配正义 被引量:3

Globalization and International Distributive Justice
摘要 在全球化所带来的影响日益明显的今天,国际分配不公越来越严重,很多全球性问题的产生都与之有关。国际分配正义包括两个层次,按照广义的理解便是全球分配正义(G lobal D istributive Justice);若按照狭义的理解,国际分配正义就是国家间的分配正义。在全球化时代,民族国家仍然是国际体系中最重要的行为体,因此,民族国家间的分配正义是最终实现全球性分配正义的必经阶段。而在国际关系伦理传统中,国际分配正义是个颇具争议性的概念,自由主义者一般持赞成态度,提出了各种具有建设性和启发性的理论,现实主义者和马克思主义者则站在批判者的立场,对自由主义者的观点进行了激烈批判。目前关于这一问题的各种理论多半是基于西方的伦理传统,中国的国际关系学界对此尚缺乏系统性的研究。 Unfair international distribution, to which many global problems are closely related, has become more apparent and more serious in the age of globalization. International Distributive Justice exists in two contexts: in a broader sense, it is often used to represent Global Distributive Justice ; in a narrower sense, it means the distributive justice between nation states. The nation - state is still the principal actor in the interuationa/ system in the current era of globalization. This distributive justice between nation - states is, however, a necessary phase in the ultimate creation of a Global Distributive Justice. International Distributive Justice though remains a controversial term. Liberal scholars generally agree with its basic tenets and propose a variety of constructive and insightful theories. Meanwhile, Realists and Marxists, without offering a counter vision, still intensely criticize liberal claims. Contemporary theories of International Distributive Justice are mainly based on the Western ethical tradition, while systematic studies of this domain are still lacking in Chinese academic studies of International Relations.
作者 赵川川
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第4期102-105,共4页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 全球化 分配正义 国际分配正义 伦理传统 globalization distributive justice international distributive justice ethical traditions
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