
实现供货能力承诺的企业高级计划系统研究 被引量:1

A Study on Enterprise Advanced Planning and Scheduling System in Fulfillment of Availablility to Promise
摘要 对制造企业而言,在争取尽可能多的订单的同时,要实现供货能力承诺就得采用ERP进行全面管理。在ERP的诸多模块中,生产计划系统处于核心地位。增强和优化ERP的生产计划有利于企业缩短交货期,降低成本和改进服务,提高核心竞争能力。实现供货能力承诺的关键是企业要具备强大的生产计划系统,而ERP的核心逻辑是基于无限能力假设和固定提前期,缺乏优化功能。论文提出了一个实现供货能力承诺的企业高级生产计划优化模型,给出求解该模型的启发式算法,并通过在某公司的应用实例验证了该算法的有效性。 For manufacturing enterprises, in order to get as much orders as possible and also deliver the products as agreed, it is advisable to adopt the ERP system for the overall management of the enterprises. In the many ERP models, production planning system occupies the core position. Enhancing and optimizing the production plan help enterprises to shorten the delivery time, reduce costs and improve service and upgrade core competitiveness. The key factor to keep the capacity for delivery agreements lies in the strength of the production planning system of the enterprise. But the core logic of ERP is based upon the presupposition of limitless capacity and fixed advancing period without the optimization function. This article proposes an advanced production planning optimization model to help enterprises to keep the capacity for delivery agreements, offers a heuristic intelligent optimization algorithm, and presents a case study to demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.
出处 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期18-22,共5页 Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Social Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:70572060)资助项目"实现多级供货能力承诺的虚拟生产计划协同优化研究" 湖南省社会科学基金(编号:08YBB361)"协同商务支持的湖南省制造生产业集群供应链式集聚化研究" 湖南省社科成果评审委员会(编号:0808001A)资助项目"供应链协同商务支持的湖南制造业产业集群研究" 湖南省哲社重点研究基地开放基金项目(编号:07K001)"基于智能信息搜索的企业集群协同商务研究"
关键词 供货能力承诺 高级计划系统 生产计划优化 ATP (Available To Promise) APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) Production Planning Optimization
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