由于兴安变(兴安变电所)送九槽配电所的629#线电缆头短路,波及同杆架设的606#线路,引起兴安变2#主变6 KV总开关602#跳闸,造成兴安矿全停电6 min、井下瓦斯超限的事故。为查清此次事故发生的原因,预防此类事故的再次发生,将此次事故发生的原因和今后的防范措施进行分析。
Because Xin' g, an changes delivers nine substations a 629^# line electric cable short circuit, affects with the 606^# line which the pole erects, causes Xin' gan changes the 2^# main transformer 6 kV the master switch 602^# trip, causes the Xin' gan Ore to cut power the accident which 6 minutes, the mine shaft gas ultra limit. In order to investigate thoroughly the reason which the accident occurs, prevent this kind of accident's occurrence once more, presently the reason which and present measure has this accident carries on the analysis.
Coal Mine Machinery