青岛市即墨温泉水是含有多种微量元素的一种具特殊医疗作用的地热水。通过对即墨温泉地区在不同季节采集的温泉地热水、地下水、地表水、大气降水和近岸海水分别进行氢、氧同位素的测定。结果表明,即墨温泉水的氢、氧同位素值皆小于大气降水来源的地表水、地下水和雨水;即墨温泉地热水δD-δ18O相关点沿大气降水线展布表明其主要来源和补给源为大气降水,估算的循环深度约为2 017.6 m。在有利的构造部位和良好的储水条件下,大气降水经深循环加热和水岩反应淋滤盐分,并沿断裂上升出露地表,形成矿化度较高的温泉。
Geothermal water of Jimo hot spring in which a variety of tracers are contained has its special medical effects. δD and δ^18O contents are measured respectively in the samples from the geothermal water, the underground water, the land surface water, the rain water, and the coastal sea water collected in the hot spring area. As it is shown from the measurements, the δD and δ^18O contents in the geothermal water are less than those respectively in the land surface water, in the underground water, and in the rain water. The plot for the δD and δ^18O relation shows the consistency between the geothermal water and the rain water, so that it is deduced that the rain water is one of the spring water sources. The geothermal water with rich minerals becomes formed in the good conditions of the tectonic and reservoir structures during a deep circulation process in which it is heated, and the water-rock reaction and the sail-leach action play an important role, and finally rises onto the ground along the faults. The estimated circulation depth is about 2,017.6 m.
Coastal Engineering