As a "concept game" , "modern culture" contains the symptom turning from "rational" to "reasonable". " Modern culture" is a "popular culture" which starts the cultural criticism by the au- dience or the public through "reasonable questioning". From the visual threshold of "modern cultural" criticism, "YU Dan Phenomena" can be considered as another type of presentation of "modern cultur- al" criticism. The occurrence of the phenomena is one of the inevitable results of Chinag social modern- ization in present special period, and it also shows that the cultural China makes a "popular rational en- lightenment" to the young Chinese born after 1980s and 1990s from the standpoint of renewing the tradi- tional Chinese culture. Today~ presentation of China~ "modern culture" is performed from two aspects: one is the replacement between the modern school of the traditional Chinese culture and the modern colony; the other is modern mass media and high technology, which are the necessary resources applied and developed in re - creating modern Chinese culture. To accelerate the modernization of people is the key to the modernization of China, and to accelerate the spontaneous presentation of modern Chinese culture is the core of the key.
Journal of xi‘an Eurasia University
modern culture
YU Dan Phenomena
spontaneous presentation