Twenty-seven pairs of the micro-satellite DNA primers recommended by FAO and ISAG were selected to perform the analysis and research to the genetic diversity of the 78 individuals in the natural group of Xishuangbanna wild boar in Yunnan, so as to provide the scientific rationale for the rational u- tilization and protection of the genetic resources of wild boar. The following were the results : ( 1 ) Sev- enty-eight individuals in the 27 micmsatellite positions had 213 alleles, the range of the number of al- leles in various positions was 4 - 13. The average number of alleles in each position was 7.89, which in- dicated that there was the plentiful polymorphism in three wild boar groups. (2) The average heterozy- gosity (H), the average polymorphism information content (PIC), effective alleles and the number of effective allele were 0. 81, 0. 79, 155.77 and between 2. 65 and 10. 10 (mean =5.77), respectively. The allele frequencies ranged from 0. 012 8 to 0. 480 8, and the allele frequency in the point SW72 was the highest , which indicated that the genetic variation in the group was very plentiful. (3) Nei's standard genetic distance between Jinghong wild boar and Menghai wild boar was the nearest, and that between Jinghong wild boar and Mengla wild boar was bundant, which indicated that there was the genetic boar in the level of nuclear gene. far, and inter-species genetic variation was very apolymorphism for the group of Xishuangbanna wild
Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University:Natural Science