建立了茶饮料中糖精钠的荧光分光光度测定方法。样品前处理采用盐酸酸化,加入氯化钠,乙醚萃取后再用2 g/L碳酸钠溶液洗涤乙醚萃取层,加热除去乙醚定容后用荧光光度计测定。测试条件为:激发波长265 nm,发射波长475 nm。方法检测限为2 mg/kg,线性范围在2~60 mg/kg之间,变异系数为1.97%,回收率96.8%。
The method for determination of saccharin sodium salt by fluorimetry was established. The pretreatment of sample included hydrochloric acid aeidized, sodium hydroxide added, ethylether extracted and washed by 2 g/L soda ash solution, ethylether residue removed by heating and the sample was tested after volume was adjusted. The test condition were: excitation wavelength was 265 nm, emission wavelength was 275 nm. The detection limit is down to 2 mg/kg and the linear range is between 2-60 mg/kg, the relative standard deviation is 1.97%, the recovery is 96.8%.
Journal of Qiqihar University(Natural Science Edition)