1《1964年总统经济报》(Economic Report of the President:Transmitted to the Congress.January 1964.Together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers).美国政府印刷所1964年版,第156页.
4《国务院公告》(Department of State Bulletin)1964年9月9日,第678页.
6《1964年对外援助:美国第88届国会第2会期参议院外交关系委具会听证会》(Foreign Assistance 1964:Hearings be fore the Committee on Foreign Relations ,United States Senate ,88^th Congress,2^nd Session ,March 31,April 1,14,21,June 18,19,22 and 23,1964),美国政府印刷所,1964年版.第276页.
8《纽约时报》(The New York Times)1959年1月30日,第1页.
10约翰·肯尼迪.《关于国家紧急需要的特别咨文》(John F.Kennedy,“Special Message to the Congresson Urgent National Needs:President John F.Kennedy Delivered in Person before a Joint Session of Congress”,May 25,1961),因特网:www.cs.umb.edu/jfklibrary/j052561.htm.February 8,2003.