
湖北省钟祥市汉江河谷平原区浅层孔隙水的脆弱性评价 被引量:3

Vulnerability Assessment of Shallow Quaternary Groundwater from the Hanjiang River Valley Plain,Zhongxiang City,Central Hubei Province
摘要 以MAPGIS为工作平台,以地下水类型、盖层岩性、地下水埋深为评价指标,利用国际上广泛应用的GOD模型开展了湖北省钟祥市第四系浅层孔隙水的脆弱性评价。研究结果表明:区内浅层孔隙水的脆弱性评分值在0-0.7间,其中极低脆弱性区(评分值=0-0.1)、低脆弱性区(评分值=0.1-0.3)、中等脆弱性区(评分值=0.3-0.5)、高脆弱性区(评分值=0.5-0.7)和极高脆弱性区(评分值=0.7-10.0)的面积分别占评价区总面积的0.3%,0.0%,64.1%,35.6%,0.0%。换言之,钟祥市汉江河谷平原区浅层孔隙水总体上具有中等脆弱性和高脆弱性,且脆弱性最高的地段几乎全部分布在汉江沿岸。为解决钟祥市工农业发展带来的高污染风险性与地下水具有较高脆弱性这一对明显的矛盾,应加强汉江河谷平原区的地下水资源的管理工作。 Based on the GIS platform, the vulnerability of shallow Quaternary groundwater from the Hanjiang River valley plain in Zhongxiang City, Central Hubei Province, was evaluated by GOD model with three assessment indices: groundwater type, lithology of cap rocks, and groundwater depth. The results indicate that the vulnerability scores of shallow Quaternary groundwater are between 0 and 0.7. Based on the results, the evaluated area is divided into three different sub-areas: very low vulnerability area (score. 0-0.1), low vnlnerability area(score.0.1-0.3), middle vulnerability area (score: 0.3-0.5), high vulnerability area (score: 0.5-0.7) and very high vulnerability area (score.0.7-1.0), with a proportion of 0.3 %, 0.0%, 64.1%, 35.6 % and 0.0% respectively. It is found that the shallow Quaternary groundwater in most evaluated area has middle or high vulnerability and the areas with the high groundwater vulnerability are almost all distributed along the Hanjiang River. Thus, it is necessary to strengthen the prevention and remediation of groundwater pollution to solve the contradiction between strong pollution potential and highly vulnerable groundwater environment in Zhongxiang City.
出处 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期112-116,共5页 Geological Science and Technology Information
基金 湖北省自然科学基金项目(2007ABA312) 国家自然科学基金项目(40702041) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20070491008) 中国博士后科学基金项目(20080430146) 中国地质大学地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室开放基金项目(GPMR200714)
关键词 地下水 脆弱性 GOD模型 汉江河谷平原 groundwater vulnerability GOD model Hanjiang River Valley Plain
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