Objective In order to optimize antiviral therapy on adult varicella, the clinical therapeutic effect of gancielovir and aeyelovir was compared. Methods Ganeielovir was given introvenously at dose of 5 mg/kg qd or bid compared with acyclovir 10 mg/kg qd or bid. Duration of pyretolysis and scab forming time were measured. Duration of pyretolysis in patients who accepted therapy before and after 2 days of onset were also examined. Results Duration of pyretolysis after ganciclovir therapy was significantly reduced compared with acyclovir. There was no significant difference in scab forming time between ganciclovir and acyclovir. For both therapy, low dose (ganciclovir 5 mg/kg, qd; acyclovir 10 mg/kg, qd) group and high dose (ganciclovir 5 mg/kg, bid; acyclovir 10 mg/kg, bid) group had similar duration of pyretolysis and scab forming time. For patients who accepted ganciclovir therapy before 2 days of onset, duration of pyretolysis was significantly shortened compared with therapy after 2 days of onset. Conclusion Ganciclovir therapy can reduce duration of fever compared with acyclovir therapy. There is no additional benifit of high dose of antiviral drug. Earlier therapy with ganciclovir can shorten duration of pyretolysis.
Journal of Kunming Medical College