In the present paper,three species of the genus Mycomya,collected by the author from Longwangshan Nature Reserve(30 4°N,119 4°E),Zhejiang Province,are described as new to science They are M copicusa,M edentata and M rivalisa The type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collections of Zhejiang Forestry College. New Species 1 Mycomya copicusa Wu,sp nov (Figs 1~3) Wing length 2 6~2 9 mm Antenna brown with scape,pedicel and basal of 1st flagellum yellow,1st flagellum 3 0 times,2nd 2 0 times as long as wide Pronotum yellow,with 3 longer setae Mesoscutum black brown,with 2 yellow narrow longitudinal strips Scutellum brown,4 long scutellars Legs brownish yellow Coxa 2 without spur Leg ratios:bt1∶t1=0 73~0 77,bt2∶t2=0 53~0 67,bt3∶t3=0 53~0 54 Sc bears 5~11 setulae Cell R 1 about 1 5~2 0 times as long as wide M ratios:0 73~1 07,1 00~1 45 Cu ratios:0 89~1 03,1 33~1 58 Macrotrichia:M petiole 0,M 10,M 20;Cu petiole 0,Cu 10,Cu 20 Abdominal tergites brown Sternites yellowish brown The male genitalia are shown in Figs 1~3 Holotype ,500~800 m,1995 07 18 Paratypes 1,800~1 200 mm,1995 07 20;4,500 m,1995 07 20,from Malaise trap;1,490 m,1995 07 20,from light trap;1,500~800 m,1996 06 14;1,500~600 m,1996 07 28 All were collected from Longwangshan Nature Reserve,Zhejiang Province by Wu Hong This new species is similar to M strombuliforma Wu et Yang,but cell R 1 about 1 5~2 0 times as long as wide,tergal lateral appendage with long setae,and the structure of gonostylus 2 Mycomya edentata Wu,sp nov (Figs 4~5) Wing length 3 1 mm Antenna brownish,1st flagellomere 2 0 times,2nd 1 5 times as long as wide,Pronotum yellow,with 4 longer setae Mesoscutum black brown,with humeral yellow and 1 yellow broad longitudinal strip Scutellum brownish yellow,4 long scutellars Legs yellow Coxa 2 without spur Leg ratios:bt1∶t1=0 76,bt2∶t2=0 60,bt3∶t3=0 47 Sc bears 18 setulae Cell R 1 about 2 0 times as long as wide M ratios:0 51,0 66 Cu ratios:0 76,1 01 Macrotrichia:M petiole 0,M 1+,M 2+;Cu petiole+,Cu 1+,Cu 2+ Abdominal tergites brown,with humeral parts of tergites 1~5 yellow Sternites yellow to brownish The male genitalia are shown in Figs 4~5 Holotype ,Longwangshan,400~500 m,Zhejiang,1995 07 14,Wu Hong This new species can be separated from the known species of the genus by male genita lia,especially the tergal lateral appendage with many very long setae,without processus,gonostylus without tooth 3 Myconya rivalisa Wu,sp nov (Figs 6~9) Wing length 3 1 mm Antenna brown with scape,pedicel and basal of 1st flagellomere brownish yellow,1st flagellomers 4 0 times,2nd 2 0 times as long as wide Pronotum yellow,with 3 longer setae Mesoscutum black brown,anterior margin and letaral sides yellow Scutellum brown,4 long scutellars Legs brownish yellow Coxa 2 without spur Leg ratios:bt1∶t1=0 83,bt2∶t2=0 65,bt3∶t3=0 59 Sc bears 12 setulae Cell R 1 about 2 0 times as long as wide M ratios:1 02,1 35 Cu ratios:1 00,1 71 Macrotrichia:M petiole 0,M 10,M 20;Cu petiole 0,Cu 10,Cu 20 Abdominal tergites brown Sternites brownish yellow The male genitalia are shown in Figs 6~9 Holotype ,490 m,1996 07 25,from light trap Allotype ,1996 07 29 Paratypes 12♀♀,800~1 200m,1995 07 20;13♀♀,1996 07 29;1,1995 10 19;1,1995 07 12;1♀,1995 07 18 All were collected from Longwangshan Nature Reserve,Zhejiang Province by Wu Hong The new species is easily separated from the known species of the genus by tergal lateral appendage slender,pointed apically and with ex
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College
new species