
Caching Scheme Based on Power-Law Characteristic in Unstructured P2P Networks

Caching Scheme Based on Power-Law Characteristic in Unstructured P2P Networks
摘要 In order to reduce the traffic load and improve the availability of the shared resources in unstructured P2P networks, a caching scheme combining alternative index and adaptive replication (AIAR) is presented. AIAR uses random walk mechanism to disperse the caching information of resources in the network based on its power-law characteristic, and dynamically adjusts replicas according to the visit frequency on resources and the degree information of peers. Subsequent experimental results show that the proposed AIAR scheme is beneficial to improve the search performance of success rate and respond speed. In addition, compared to some existing caching scheme, AIAR can perform much better in success rate, especially in a dynamic environment. In order to reduce the traffic load and improve the availability of the shared resources in unstructured P2P networks, a caching scheme combining alternative index and adaptive replication (AIAR) is presented. AIAR uses random walk mechanism to disperse the caching information of resources in the network based on its power-law characteristic, and dynamically adjusts replicas according to the visit frequency on resources and the degree information of peers. Subsequent experimental results show that the proposed AIAR scheme is beneficial to improve the search performance of success rate and respond speed. In addition, compared to some existing caching scheme, AIAR can perform much better in success rate, especially in a dynamic environment.
出处 《Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(English Edition)》 2009年第3期177-184,共8页 西南交通大学学报(英文版)
基金 The National Natural Science Foundationof China (Nos.60403027, 60773191,and 60873225) the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (No.2007AA01Z403)
关键词 P2P (peer-to-peer) Caching scheme REPLICATION Random walk Power law P2P (peer-to-peer) Caching scheme Replication Random walk Power law
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