目的运用各向同性3D TSE MRI测量股骨髁间窝和前交叉韧带(ACL)断面的大小,分析不同性别间的差异。方法采集40名年轻健康志愿者40侧膝关节的3D TSE MRI容积数据,在工作站上重建并测量ACL和股骨髁间窝断面大小。变量间的相关性采用Pearson相关或偏相关分析,男女间均数的比较采用t检验。结果男性ACL断面面积与髁间窝断面面积(r=0.733,P=0.000)、身高(r=0.564,P=0.028)相关,女性髁间窝形态指数与体重(r=-0.482,P=0.037)弱负相关,男(r=0.457,P=0.043)女(r=0.768,P=0.000)身高均与体重相关;男女髁间窝和ACL大小差别有统计学意义(P=0.000)。结论年轻人群中男性的髁间窝和ACL较女性的大;男性髁间窝愈大、身材愈高,则ACL愈粗;女性体重愈重,髁间窝形态有稍高而窄的倾向。各向同性3DTSEMRI可作为无创性检查方法对活体股骨髁间窝和ACL进行精确评价。
Objective To measure the cross sections size of the femoral intercondylar notch and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) with isotropic 3D TSE MRI, and analyze their gender differences. Methods Volumetric 3D TSE MRI data of 40 knees were acquired from 40 young healthy volunteers, and the cross-sectional size of the femoral intereondylar notch and the ACL were measured from reformatted images on the workstation. Variables correlations were analyzed with Pearson correlations or Partial correlations. Mean values between male and female were compared using a t test. Results Male ACL cross-sectional area was correlated with notch cross-sectional area (r= 0.733, P=0.000) and body height (r=0.564, P=0.028) respectively. Female femoral notch shape index was slightly negatively correlated with body mass (r=-0.482,P=O.037). Body height was correlated with body mass in both men (r=-0.457, P=0.043) and women (r=0.768,P=0.000). There was a statistically significant difference between the sexes in femoral intereondylar notch and ACL size (P=0.000). Conclusion For young people, men have a larger femoral intercondylar notch and a thicker ACL than women. Men with a larger femoral intercondylar notch or a higher body height have thicker ACL. Women with a higher body mass slightly tend to have higher and narrower femoral notch shape. Isotropic 3D TSE MRI can be used as a noninvasive method to accurately evaluate the femoral intereondylar notch and the ACL in vivo.
Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint Injury
Femoral intercondylar notch
Anterior cruciate ligament
Magnetic resonance imaging