
背景音乐在普通肠镜检查中的应用 被引量:6

Application of background music to colonoscopy
摘要 目的探讨背景音乐在普通肠镜检查中的应用效果。方法将2006年9~11月来该中心进行普通肠镜检查并且符合研究条件的患者132例随机分成音乐组62例和对照组70例,音乐组患者给予全程播放背景音乐;对照组患者按常规程序进行。监测两组患者在候诊时、检查前、检查后10min的心率、血压变化情况和检查时的疼痛指数、焦虑指数、检查时间和配合程度,并进行统计学分析。结果两组患者在检查前血压波动、检查后心率和血压平稳的差异均有显著性(P<0.05),两组患者在检查前心率波动、焦虑指数,检查时的疼痛指数、操作时间、配合程度,检查后焦虑指数与检查结果的差异均无显著性。结论背景音乐的播放能平稳普通肠镜检查患者的心率和血压,而对缓解焦虑和疼痛作用不显著,应用价值无显著性。 [Objective] To evaluate the effect of background music on colonoscopy. [Methods] The suitable patients who underwent gastroscopy or colonoscopy from September to November 2006 (132 patients) were divided randomly into two groups: music group (62 patients) and control group (70 patients). The control group received standard endoscopy protocol. Subjects in the music group received the standard protocol with the addition of background music throughout the procedure. Before, during and 10 rain after the eolonoseopy, the heart rate, blood pressure and anxiety index were monitored. The pain index, running time and cooperation during the eolonoseopy were evaluated statistically. [Results] Before the colonoscopy, the change of BP was smaller in the music group compared to the control group (P 〈0.05). After the colonoscopy, the changes of HR and BP had significant difference between the two groups (P 〈0.05). During the colonoscopy, the pain index, running time and cooperation had no significant differences. [Conclusions] The results of the study indicate that background music can smooth the patients' HR and BP and promote the treatment. It can not alleviate the pain and the anxiety of the patients who undergo colonoscopy.
出处 《中国内镜杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期630-632,635,共4页 China Journal of Endoscopy
关键词 背景音乐 肠镜 疼痛指数 焦虑指数 background music colonoscopy pain index anxiety index
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