Objective:To evaluate the clinical significance of changes in serum cardiac troponin T(cTnT) in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI).Methods:Serum cTnT levels were measured by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay in patients with AMI.Results:Serum cTnT concentrations increased significantly in AMI,and it showed a doublepeak curve in 6 patients.The first peak 〔(1530±350)μg/L〕 was the highest,appearing at 10 to 16 hours and the second peak 〔(660±430)μg/L〕 at 72 to 96 hours after AMI.In 14 patients cTnT concentrations showed a doublepeak curve with delayed highest peak,being at 24 hours and 60 to 92 hours after AMI,and cTnT concentrations of the second peak was markedly higher than that of the first peak 〔(1130±570)μg/L vs.(560±240)μg/L〕.In 4 patients,it showed only a single peak〔(1390±420)μg/L〕,being at about 72 hours following AMI.It was also found that the maximal serum cTnT concentration was correlated with the maximal serum creatine kinase (r=073,P<0001)and creatine kinase MB levels (r=078,P<0001).In addition,cTnT concentrations began to increase about 3 hours after AMI,and it sustained for 2 more weeks.Conclusions:It suggests that cTnT measurement in serum apears to be a method of high specificity and sensitivity for the early diagnosis of AMI,cTnT concentration curve has an important reference value to reperfusion by its doublepeak curve with early highest peak,and the ratio of serum cTnT concentration at 14 hours to that at 38 hours after AMI.
Chinese Critical Care Medicine
acute myocardial infarction\ \ cardiac troponin T