连农无筋2号利用杂交育种,后代经过系统选育而成。它涉及4个亲本:82-3长菜豆、85-1、Cornell49-242、87B。植株蔓生,商品荚绿色,扁形,荚长22 cm,荚宽1.5~2.0 cm,荚厚1.2~1.7 cm,荚形指数1.36,单荚质量23.0 g左右。抗锈病,中抗炭疽病。春、秋露地栽培每667 m2产量分别为3 076、2 243 kg,春季大棚栽培平均每667 m2产量2 500 kg左右,冬季温室栽培平均产量3 200 kg,适合北方地区春秋大棚、春秋露地及冬季温室栽培。
' Liannongwujin No. 2' is a newly bred kidney bean variety developed by systematic selection after crossing made in 4 parents of ' 80 - 3 changjiangdou' , ' 85 - 1 ' , ' Corrul149 - 242' and ' 87 B' It has the characteristics of trailing plant with green flat-shape pod. The length of pod is 22 cm, the width is 1.5 -2.0 cm and the weight per pod is about 23.0 g. It is resistant to rust and mid-resistant to anthracnose. Its yield is about 4.6 t·hm^-2, 3.3t·hm^-2, 3.75t·hm^-2 and 4.8 t · hm^-2, respectively in open field in spring and autumn, protected field in spring and winter. It is suitable for cultivation in open field in spring and autumn, protected field in spring, autumn and winter in northern China.
China Vegetables
Kidney bean
' Liannongwujin No. 2'