
关于政府信息公开目录的若干思考 被引量:4

Some Thought on China's Government Information Openness Catalog
摘要 本文就政府信息公开目录的有关建设和发展问题提出了自己的建议和见解。作者首先讨论了政府信息公开目录的标准规范问题,指出我国政府信息公开目录建设应走标准化、规范化、科学化的发展道路。随后首次提出了政府信息公开目录建设的近期、中期和长远目标,分别为各单位的目录建设、国家目录体系建设和我国政府信息资源定位服务系统建设。接着重点讨论了目录体系中的信息分类系统,最后就有关电子目录与纸质目录的区别等有关问题提出了自己的观点和看法。 This paper puts forward some thoughts of the construction and development of China' s Government Information Openness Catalog. Author firstly discusses the criteria and standards of Government Information Openness Catalog, points out the catalog list of Chinese Government Information Openness should be developed and constructed in standardized, regularized and scientific way. Secondly suggests for the first time that the short-term, medium-term and ultimate goal of Government Information Openness Catalog is correspondingly the construction of individual catalog by. individual institution, national catalog list of Government Information Openness Catalog, and the China Government Information Locators Service/System. Thirdly elaborates the classification system of Government Information Openness Catalog. Finally presents some perspective of some issues about electronic and printed Government Information Openness catalog, such as the different between them.
出处 《情报学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期437-442,共6页 Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“基于社会化服务的电子政务信息资源共享研究(07CTQ011)”资助.
关键词 信息公开 目录 政府信息公开条例 政府信息 信息分类 information openness, catalog, the Regulations on open government information, government information, information classification
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