
男子背越式跳高运动员起跳时足底压力分布特征的研究 被引量:2

The Research about Distribution Characteristics of Vola Force on the Ground in Male's Back Layout When High-jumpers Take-off
摘要 通过采用RSscan压力感应鞋垫对山东省五名优秀男子背越式跳高运动员起跳时足底压力分布特征的定量分析和研究,运用运动生物力学理论,探讨背越式跳高起跳时足底压强峰值对起跳效果的影响,揭示起跳瞬间起跳脚足底压力分布的特征,为提高运动技术及避免运动创伤和将来在该领域的研究提供理论依据。 Through the quantitative analysis and research about force distribution characteristics of vola on the ground when five high-jumpers in Shandong province take-off, referring to the theory of sports biomechanics, the paper analyzes whether the technical movement is right when the athletes land, reveals the vola pressure distribution characteristics and patterns at the take off moment, sets up the model of outstanding high-jumpers when they take off, and provides theoretical basis for improving movement techniques, avoiding sports hurt anct doing research in this field in the future.
出处 《浙江体育科学》 2009年第4期124-127,共4页 Zhejiang Sport Science
关键词 男子 背越式跳高 压强峰值 起跳脚 male back layout pressure peak value lake-off feet
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