
突发事件特勤应急部队人群的应对方式及其影响因素研究 被引量:5

A Study on Coping Styles and Influencing Factors in the Military Groups of Social Emergency Responders for Special Service
摘要 目的研究特勤应急部队人群应对突发事件方式的特点及影响因素。方法从重庆市武警和公安消防部队整群抽取12个特勤中队,对其应对突发事件的方式及影响变量进行现况调查,比较其应对方式与军人常模的差异,评价其表现类型和成熟程度,并筛选主要影响因子。结果纳入的396例受试者中,86.36%具有突发事件任务的经历,各项应对因子平均水平与军人常模相比,差异有统计学意义(P≤0.01),整体应对行为模式为成熟型;应对行为类型与得分达标情况相关(P<0.001),但列联系数偏低(C=0.23),显示应对方式成熟程度仍有限。从影响变量的作用效应来看:自信心不足、自我与经验不和谐、自我刻板性和缺乏危机生存技能是影响应对方式的负性因素,而社会支持、自我灵活性、责任心、任务经历是正性因素。其中,支持利用度、经验不和谐、自信心程度、逃生知识对不同应对行为的影响比较普遍,而其余因素的影响比较单一。结论特勤应急部队人群应对突发事件的方式总体上比较成熟稳定,但个体差异较大,并受多种因素影响,故有必要开展针对性的干预训练,进一步提高特定人群应对方式的成熟程度。 Objective To study traits and influencing factors of coping styles in the military groups of social emergency responders for special service and provide a theoretical basis for epidemiologic intervention. Methods A cross-sectional survey on coping styles and their influencing variables was carried out among 12 special service companies from Armed Police Forces and Fire Units of Public Security stationed in Chongqing by means of cluster sampling. Then, different coping styles were compared with general military personnel, the types and maturity degree of coping behaviors were evaluated, and major influencing variables were screened. Results Of 396 subjects, 86.36% had field experience in handling emergencies. The population's average levels of coping styles are significantly higher than the military norm (P〈 0.01), and the overall type of coping behaviors is mature. Although the relevance between the performance type and the number of 6 coping styles scores reaching the military masculine norm is significant (P〈0.001), the Pearson contingency coefficient ( c= 0.23 ) represents a relatively limited maturity in coping styles. In view of direction and extent effects of various influencing factors, lack of survival skills, disaccord on self and experience, self-inferiority as well as sell stereotypes are negative factors. In addition to social support, self-flexibility responsibility may be positive factors. Use of social support, disaccord on self and experience, self-confidence and knowledge about danger-avoiding take universal impacts, and other factors take single impact on a certain coping style. Conclusion Coping styles in military groups of social emergency responders for special service are comparatively mature and stable, but there are significantly individual differences and a wide range of influencing factors. So, it is very necessary to advance maturity in coping styles through targeted interventions.
出处 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 2009年第7期748-753,共6页 Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
基金 重庆市科委"人群重要健康行为普及和促进措施研究"项目(编号:CSTC-2006CE5017)
关键词 特勤部队 突发事件 应对方式 影响因素 Military Groups Emergency accident Response Influence factor
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