
Hybrid Modeling for Soft Sensing of Molten Steel Temperature in LF 被引量:5

Hybrid Modeling for Soft Sensing of Molten Steel Temperature in LF
摘要 Aiming at the limitations of traditional thermal model and intelligent model, a new hybrid model is established for soft sensing of the molten steel temperature in LF. Firstly, a thermal model based on energy conservation is described; and then, an improved intelligent model based on process data is presented by ensemble ELM (extreme learning machine) for predicting the molten steel temperature in LF. Secondly, the self-adaptive data fusion is pro- posed as a hybrid modeling method to combine the thermal model with the intelligent model. The new hybrid model could complement mutual advantage of two models by combination. It can overcome the shortcoming of parameters obtained on-line hardly in a thermal model and the disadvantage of lacking the analysis of ladle furnace metallurgical process in an intelligent model. The new hybrid model is applied to a 300 t LF in Baoshan Iron and Steel Co Ltd for predicting the molten steel temperature. The experiments demonstrate that the hybrid model has good generalization performance and high accuracy. Aiming at the limitations of traditional thermal model and intelligent model, a new hybrid model is established for soft sensing of the molten steel temperature in LF. Firstly, a thermal model based on energy conservation is described; and then, an improved intelligent model based on process data is presented by ensemble ELM (extreme learning machine) for predicting the molten steel temperature in LF. Secondly, the self-adaptive data fusion is pro- posed as a hybrid modeling method to combine the thermal model with the intelligent model. The new hybrid model could complement mutual advantage of two models by combination. It can overcome the shortcoming of parameters obtained on-line hardly in a thermal model and the disadvantage of lacking the analysis of ladle furnace metallurgical process in an intelligent model. The new hybrid model is applied to a 300 t LF in Baoshan Iron and Steel Co Ltd for predicting the molten steel temperature. The experiments demonstrate that the hybrid model has good generalization performance and high accuracy.
出处 《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第4期1-6,共6页
基金 Item Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China (50474086,60843007)
关键词 ladle furnace hybrid modeling soft sensing thermal model data fusion ladle furnace hybrid modeling soft sensing thermal model data fusion
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