

Some Notices of Our Government Struture Reform Coming from the System of West Large Department
摘要 2008年"两会"之后,中国政府抛出了新一轮的机构改革方案,实行了大部门体制,此次改革主要针对政府内部存在着职能交叉、政出多门、相互扯皮等不适应经济发展的因素而进行的。我国政府机构改革不能模仿西方"大部制"模式,应该走中国特色的"大部制"之路。 After the two meetings of 2008, the government of China gave out the new programs about structure reform, adopting the system of large department. This reform mostly focus on the factors, within the govement, that can not adapt to the development of eco- momy , such as cross-functional, the same policy coming from different departments, passing each other and so on. Goverment reform can not imitate the western model of large department. Instead, we should try to chose the large deparment with Chinese characteristics.
作者 艾长泉
出处 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2009年第7期13-15,共3页 Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education
关键词 “大部制” 阻力因素 中国国情 large department factor of resistence situation of China
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