

Thermal equation of state of iron in the inner core
摘要 在考虑G rüne isen系数、Debye温度随体积变化的基础上,详细讨论了各部分热压的贡献,并且结合K-prim ed冷压方程,得到了地球内核较为全面的物态方程,分析了内核p-V-T的关系,给出了地球内核的温度分布.其结果详实有据,为以后深入研究地球内核甚至液态外核的物态性质提供了坚实的基础. Equation of state (EOS) for iron is developed based on K - primed cold pressure equation and thermal pressure. Thermal pressure consists of three parts, associated with the rigid perfect lattice, harmonic lattice vibrations, and anharmonic contributions, thermal excitation of electrons is also included. In combination with the volume dependence of the Griineisen parameter and Debye temperature, thermodynamic properties of iron are calculated over a wide range of densities and temperatures relevant to the Earth' s core. Detailed results are presented for the temperature, and comparisons are made with available experimental measurements and theoretical predictions. This model will provide the foundation of scientific research about inner core and outer core.
出处 《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期378-382,共5页 Journal of Yunnan University(Natural Sciences Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40873018) 河北省教育厅2006年自然科学重点科研项目(ZH2006005)
关键词 K-primed方程 地核 高温高压 德拜模型 K - primed equation of state Earth' s core high temperature and high pressure Debye model
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