
新疆小麦品种穗发芽Vp-1基因等位变异的分布 被引量:4

Allelic Variation of Vp-1 Gene in Xinjiang Wheat Cultivars
摘要 为了给新疆小麦抗穗发芽育种提供理论依据和品种资源,利用Vp-1基因的功能标记Vp1 B3检测了252份新疆小麦品种。结果表明,新疆小麦品种中Vp-1 Ba(感穗发芽)、Vp-1 Bb(抗穗发芽)和Vp-1 Bc(抗穗发芽)基因型的频率分别为54.8%、3.2%和42.0%,以Vp-1 Ba基因型为主。其中,冬小麦中抗、感穗发芽基因型的频率分别为39.2%和60.8%,以感穗发芽基因型为主;而春小麦中抗、感穗发芽基因型的频率分别为55.3%和44.7%,抗穗发芽基因型频率较高。农家品种、引进品种和育成品种中Vp-1 Ba、Vp-1 Bb和Vp-1 Bc基因型的分布频率存在明显差异,依次为80.4%、0.0%和19.6%,39.5%、2.6%和57.9%,54.6%、4.6%和40.8%,农家品种和育成品种都以感穗发芽基因型为主。本研究结果还表明,STS标记Vp1 B3检测方法简单、稳定性好,将其与整穗发芽法和发芽指数法结合使用,有助于提高选择效率。 Resistance to pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) is one of the important wheat breeding objectives. In order to develop wheat cultivars with PHS resistance in Xinjiang,a functional marker Vp1B3 was used to investigate 252 wheat cultivars, including Xinjiang wheat landraces, introduced cultivars and Xinjiang commercial cultivars. The results indicated that the frequencies of cultivars with the genotype Vp-1Ba (susceptible to PHS), Vp-1Bb (resistant to PHS) and Vp-1Bc (resistant to PHS) were 54.8%, 3.2% and 42.0%, respectively. The genotype Vp-1Ba was the major genotype in Xinjiang wheat cultivars. In winter wheat cultivars,the frequencies of resistant and susceptible genotypes were 39.2% and 60.8% ,respectively,the susceptible genotype was the major type; However, in spring wheat cultivars,the frequencies of re-sistant and susceptible genotypes were 55.3% and 44.7% ,respectively,the resistant genotype was the major type. The frequencies of genotypes of Vp-1Ba ,Vp-1Bb and Vp-1Bc were largely different among landraces, introduced cultivars and Xinjiang commercial cultivars, with frequencies of 80. 4%, 0. 0% and 19.6%, 39.5%, 2.6% and 57.9%, 54.6%, 4.6% and 40.8%, respectively. The STS marker Vp1B3 was a simple and stable functional marker for the test of PHS resistance.
出处 《麦类作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期571-574,共4页 Journal of Triticeae Crops
基金 兵团科技支疆计划项目(2008ZJ10) 国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD01A02-30) 兵团科技攻关计划项目(2006GG04)
关键词 普通小麦 穗发芽 Vp-1基因 功能标记Vp1B3 Common wheat (Triticurn aestivum L. ) Pre-harvest sprouting Vp-1 gene Functional marker Vp1B3
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