Ad Hoc路由算法一直是Ad Hoc领域的研究重点。首先对三种典型的路由协议进行了理论分析,然后利用NS2仿真工具对不同速度下三种协议的性能进行了仿真,并对三种协议的分组投递率,平均端到端时延以及路由开销进行了分析比较,最后得出按需路由协议最适合移动要求较高的网络的结论。
Ad Hoe routing algorithm has always been a core problem in the research of Ad Hoe. In this thesis, three typical routing protocols are theoretically analysed at first. Then, the three routing protocols' performance are simulated using NS2 under different speed. Packet delivery fraction, average end to end delay and routing load of the protocols are also analysed and compared. Finally, it can be concludedthat on - demand routing protocolis the most suitable protocol for high mobility environment.