
论哈尼夫·库雷西成长小说《郊区佛爷》 被引量:3

"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man": The Buddha of Suburbia, a Bildungsroman
摘要 成长小说是英美文学中一种十分重要的小说类型。以成长小说为理论视域,哈尼夫·库雷西在《郊区佛爷》中继承了成长小说的传统并纯熟地使用了成长小说的创作技巧。小说通过主人公克里姆的成长焦虑、成长的引路人、成长的出路等方面的描写,出色地表现了当代英国亚裔青少年在多元文化世界中所面临的种种窘境,同时也提出了要勇敢地跨越各种人为设置的藩篱,构建属于自己的"第三空间"的建议。 Bildungsroman is a very important genre of novel in both British and American literature. Using bildungsroman as a theoretical perspective, readers will find that Hanif Kureishi has inherited the tradition of bildungsroman and adopted its writing techniques in a masterful way as in The Buddha of Suburbia. Through depicting the anxieties caused by the growing up, the road-to-growth leaders and the way to grow up in The Buddha of Suburbia, Kureishi exposes many kinds of dilemmas among the Asian British teenagers in the contemporary muhicuhural world. Moreover, he proposes that they construct their own "Third Space" by crossing various artificially imposed barriers bravely.
作者 尹锐
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第4期507-509,共3页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中南民族大学科研基金青年项目(YSQ07007)
关键词 哈尼夫·库雷西 《郊区佛爷》 成长小说 “第三空间” Kureishi The Buddha of Suburbia bildungsroman Third Space
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