
中国农村居民的收入流动性与长期收入不平等 被引量:4

Income Mobility and Long-term Income Inequality in Rural China
摘要 利用1989-2004年间CHNS的五轮农村居民收入调查数据,本文对中国农村居民的收入流动性和长期收入不平等进行了经验分析。研究发现:①中国农村居民具有较高程度的收入流动性,同时在2000-2004年间中国农村居民的收入流动性较1989-1993年间显著提高。以1997年为界,收入流动性呈现出先下降后上升的趋势特征,且这种趋势特征具有全局性;②不同收入阶层的农村居民的收入流动性存在明显的差异,其中,中间收入阶层具有更高的收入流动性;③中国农村居民长期内的收入不平等程度低于单独年度,同时,农村居民的长期收入不平等主要来自于工资性收入的差异。因此,要从根本上改善农村居民的长期收入不平等,必须从改善农村居民在非农就业收入上的不平等入手。 Based on the five sets of panel data of rural household incomes extracted from the China Heath and Nutrition Survey, this article analyzes income mobility and long-term income inequality in rural China between 1989 and 2004. The major findings are:ORural residents in China hod a high level of income mobility, and the income mobility was larger between 2000 and 2004 than that in the period from 1989 to 1993, income mobility presented a tendency of decrease first and increase afterwards before and after 1997, which occurred for all rural resident groups. (1)The difference of income mobility between residents at different income levels in rural China was significant, mobility in the middle income group was higher than others.(2)The long-term income inequality of rural residents was lower than the signal year's, and it was mainly caused by the difference in wages paid to the farmers. Therefore, the radically improvement of long-term income inequality must start with improving the inequality of non-farm income.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期95-100,共6页 China Population,Resources and Environment
关键词 收入流动性 收入差距 长期不平等 income mobility income inequality long-term inequality
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