In the wake of deconstruction and various forms of criticism focusing on difference, the ethical question has been freshly negotiated by literary studies, and to this approach this paper makes a compelling case for understanding narrative as ethic and brings the inanition process of Confucius ethic into focus. With pen - names Shenxiu and Dongyuan, Dai Zhen ( 1724 - 1777) was a famous Confucian of the Qing Dynasty. His main works are On Goodness and A Textual Research in Concepts of the Works of Mencius, in both of which he criticizes the Song and Ming Neo - Confucianism. Daizhen's theory of humanity is the content of his theory of righteousness at the core. Daizhen sets the human's desire with the view of the vitality on the ontology level. And his revaluing of human's desire is based on his humanist conception. When Daizhen inquires into the relationship of human's desire and laws of nature, humans desire is not confined to the counter - part of laws of nature. This article will inquire into his theory of desire and ration from different aspects of the essence of humanity and its function in the fulfillment of modernity in China.
Studies in Ethics
confucius ethic inanition process Dai Zhen