Nocturnal enuresis refers to involuntary discharge of urination occurring at night and during sleep, often seen in children over 3 years old, the colloquially name is "wet bed". Generally speaking enuresis can be classified into two categories: primary and secondary, the former is characterized by uncontrolled urination at night, or the patient can not wake up to make urine by himself. Moreover, primary enuresis is considered as functional disor- der which is frequently-encountered in clinic. However as for the later, secondary enuresis is often related with disorder of the whole body or dysfunction of the kidney. In clinic acupuncture treatment was applied with the combination of warming needle, 32 cases of enuresis have been carefully observed by the author, now the result is as follows.
Nocturnal enuresis refers to involuntary discharge of urination occurring at night and during sleep ,often seen in children over 3 years old ,the colloquially name is'wet bed'. Generally