
论推进中国经济学现代化的学术原则——主析“马学”、“西学”与“国学”之关系 被引量:54

On the Academic Principles of Promoting the Modernization of Chinese Economics—An Analysis of the Relationship between Marxist Economics, Western Economics, and Chinese Economics
摘要 中国马克思主与中国经济学的西方化或国际化等提法不同,本文主张中国经济学的发展方向,应当是如何实现义经济学的现代化或现代转型。其基本思维方法和学术原则(可能总体上适合整个哲学社会科学),可以概括为"马学为体、西学为用、国学为根,世情为鉴、国情为据,综合创新",即坚持马克思主义经济学是中国现代经济学的主导和根本,保证中国经济学的现代化创新始终沿着科学的学术轨道迈进;在坚持"马学""体用"一致的同时,充分地运用现代西方经济学的思想资料,从中筛选、改进和吸收一切有价值的科学思想成分;重视中国古近代经济思想中的先驱性合理思想元素,作为中国经济学的重要渊源和根基;结合新的历史条件下的经济实践,弄清"世情"和"国情",认识新情况,发现新规律;要处理好"马学"、"西学"、"国学"三大知识体系与实践检验的关系,不断实现中国经济学的现代自主性综合创新,打造具有中国特色、中国气派和中国风格的现代经济学体系。 Unlike propositions of westernization or internationalization of Chinese economics, this paper contends that the development of Chinese economics should follow the direction of realizing the modernization or modern transformation of Chinese Marxist economics. The fundamental thinking methods and academic principles can be summarized as 'taking Marxist economics as the base, western economics for use, Chinese economics as the root, world situation as the reference, China’s situation as the point of departure to achieve comprehensive innovation', i.e. adhering to the belief that Marxist economics is the dominant and basis of Chinese modern economics, ensuring that innovation in the modernization of Chinese economics is always on a scientific academic track for development; while adhering to the conformity between Marxist economics and 'base and use', taking full advantage of ideological materials of modern western economics from which all valuable scientific ideological components should be selected, developed and absorbed; attaching importance to the pioneer and reasonable elements of the economic thoughts in ancient and modern China, which should be considered the significant source and foundation of Chinese economics; combining the economic practices in the new historical conditions, having a clear understanding of the world situation as well as China’s situation, apprehending new situations, and discovering new rules; tackling properly the relationship between the three knowledge systems of Marxist economics, western economics, Chinese economics, and practice test, continuously carrying out the modern, independent and comprehensive innovation of Chinese economics, establishing a modern economics system with Chinese characteristics, Chinese manner and Chinese style.
出处 《马克思主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期5-16,共12页 Studies on Marxism
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